Articles and book chapters


(with Giovanna Bianchi et al.) “A Return to Rocca San Silvestro: Community Health, Safety and Resilience in a Medieval Mining Village,” Archeologia Medievale 51: 57-86 [Open Access]

“Public Health in Preindustrial Europe: Urban and Rural Practices,” Medicina nei secoli 36: 27-38 [Open Access]

“Preventative Healthcare among Miners in Europe, 1200-1550,” in Dynamic Balances: Public Health in the Premodern World, ed. G. Geltner, Janna Coomans and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim (Oxford: Oxford University Press, [forthcoming]) [AAM on BodoArXiv]

(with Nicolas Minvielle Larousse et al.) “Prospections géochimiques dans la vallée d’Antas (Sardaigne),” Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger [Open Access]


(with Janna Coomans) “The Healthscaping Approach: Towards A Global History of Early Public Health,” Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 56: 18-33 [Open Access] [AAM on BodoArxiv]

“Mine Air Makes Free? Rural Liberty, Materiality and Agency in Europe’s Long Thirteenth Century,” Journal of Social History 57: 1-23 [online publication]

“Ecological Impacts and Environmental Perceptions of Mining in Europe, 1200-1550: Preliminary Notes,” Parergon 40.1: 157-80 [AAM on BodoArXiv] [PDF] [Project Muse]

(with Gregory Roberts) “Social and Environmental Policing in Medieval Cities,” in A Companion to Crime and Deviance in the Middle Ages: A Handbook, ed. Hannah Skoda. Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 258-74 [PDF]


(with Taylor Zaneri) “The Dynamics of Healthscaping: Mapping Communal Hygiene in Bologna, 1287-1383,” Urban History 49: 2-27; First published online on 25 August 2020 [AAM on BodoArXiv] [Open Access]

“Rural Policing in the Long Trecento: An Urban Project and Its Obstruction,” English Historical Review 137: 47-79 [Open Access] [AAM on BodoArXiv]


“Kinetic Health: Ecologies and Mobilities of Prevention in Europe, c. 1100-1600,” Mobilities 16: 553-68 [Open Access] [PDF on BodoArXiv]

(with Leila Alhagh, et al.), “Inventorying ‘Premodern’ Manuscripts in Victorian Public and Private Collections: Expanding the Cultural Archive,” Script & Print 45: 148-65 [PDF]

(with Claire Weeda) “Underground and Over the Sea: More Community Prophylactics in Europe, 1100-1600,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 76: 123-46 [Open Access]


“The Path to Pistoia: Urban Hygiene before the Black Death,” Past & Present 246: 3-33 [Open access] [PDF on BodoArXiv]


“Urban viarii and the Prosecution of Public Health Offenders in Later Medieval Italy,” in Prosecuting Public Health in Premodern Europe, ed. Carole Rawcliffe and Claire Weeda. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 97-119 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“In the Camp and on the March: Military Manuals as Sources for Studying Premodern Public Health,” Medical History 63: 44-60 [PDF on BodoArXiv] [Publisher DOI]



“Public Health,” in A Companion to Medieval Bologna, ed. Sarah Rubin Blanshei. Leiden: Brill, 103-28 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



(with Ronald Kroeze and André Vitória) “Introduction: Debating Corruption and Anticorruption in History,” in A History of Anticorruption: From Antiquity to the Modern Era, ed. Ronald Kroeze, André Vitória and G. Geltner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-17 [PDF on BodoArXiv] [Google Books]

“Fighting Corruption in the Italian City-State: Perugian Audit Procedures (sindacato) in the Fourteenth Century,” in A History of Anticorruption: From Antiquity to the Modern Era, ed. Ronald Kroeze, André Vitória and G. Geltner. Oxford: Oxford university Press, 103-21 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Antifraternal Polemics: Between Literature and Social Reality,” in Francesco e i frati minori nello specchio dell’Europa, Proccedings of the 42nd Conference of Franciscan Studies, Assisi (17-19 October 2014). Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, 313-31 [PDF on BodoArXiv] 

“Clôture et déclôture. Ordres mendicants et menace du scandale à la fin du Moyen Âge,” in Règles et dérèglements au milieu clos (VIIe-XIXe siècle), ed. Isabelle Heullant-Donat, et al. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 341-51 [PDF on BodoArXiv] [Open access]



“The Friar,” in Historians on Chaucer: The General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales, ed. Stephen H. Rigby, with Alastair Minnis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 156-69 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“Finding Matter out of Place: Bologna’s ‘Dirt’ (Fango) Officials in the History of Premodern Public Health,” in The Far-Sighted Gaze of Capital Cities. Essays in Honor of Francesca Bocchi, ed. Rosa Smurra, Houbert Houben and Manuela Ghizzoni. Rome: Viella, 307-21 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Patrolling Normative Borders after the Black Death: The Bishop of Lucca’s Criminal Court,” in Center and Periphery: Studies on Power in the Medieval World in Honor of William Chester Jordan, ed. Katherine L. Jansen, G. Geltner, and Anne E. Lester. Leiden: Brill, 169-80 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“A Cell of their Own: The Incarceration of Women in Late Medieval Italy,” Signs 39: 27-51 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“Healthscaping a Medieval City: Lucca’s Curia viarum and the Future of Public Health History,” Urban History 40: 395-415 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

(with J. Coomans) “On the Street and in the Bath-House: Medieval Galenism in Action?” Añuario de Estudios Medievales 43: 53-82 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Public Health and the Pre-Modern City: A Research Agenda,” History Compass 10: 231-45 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Social Deviancy: A Medieval Approach,” in Why the Middle Ages Matter: Medieval Light on Modern Injustice, ed. Celia M. Chazelle, et al. London: Routledge, 29-40 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“No-Woman’s Land? On Female Crime and Incarceration, Past, Present, and Future,” Justice Policy Journal 7 [Open access]

“Mendicants as Victims: Scale, Scope, and the Idiom of Violence,” Journal of Medieval History 36: 126-41 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“Brethren Behaving Badly: A Deviant Approach to Medieval Antifraternalism,” Speculum 85: 47-64 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“‘The Best Place in the World’: Imaging Urban Prisons in Late Medieval Italy,” in Medieval Cities, Texts and Social Networks, 400-1500: Experiences and Perceptions of Medieval Urban Space, ed. Caroline Goodson, Anne E. Lester, and Carol Symes. Aldershot: Ashgate, 263-78 [PDF on BodoArXiv]

“La prison urbaine: pratiques civiques, discourse religieux et enjeu social,” in Enfermements. La cloître et la prison (Ve – XVIIIe siècle), ed. Isabelle Heullant-Donat, Julie Claustre, and Elisabeth Lusset. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 321-30 [PDF on BodoArXiv][Open access]

“I registri criminali dell’Archivio Arcivescovile di Lucca: prospettive di ricerca per la storia sociale del Medioevo,” in Il patrimonio documentario della Chiesa di Lucca. Prospettive di ricerca. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Lucca, 14-15 novembre 2008), ed. Sergio Pagano and Pierantonio Piatti. Florence: SISMEL, 331-40 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“A False Start to Medieval Antifraternalism? William of St. Amour’s De periculis novissimorum temporum,” in Critics and Defenders of Franciscan Life, ed. Michael F. Cusato and G. Geltner. Leiden: Brill, 127-43 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Isola non Isolata: Le Stinche in the Middle Ages,” Annali di Storia di Firenze 3: 9-30 [Online here]      

“Detrusio: Penal Cloistering in the Middle Ages,” Revue Bénédictine 118: 89-108 [PDF on BodoArXiv] 

“Coping in Medieval Prisons,” Continuity and Change 23: 151-72 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Medieval Prisons: Between Myth and Reality, Hell and Purgatory,” History Compass 4: 261-74 [PDF on BodoArXiv] [Russian version]



“Faux Semblants: Antifraternalism Reconsidered in Jean de Meun and Chaucer,” Studies in Philology 101: 357-80 [PDF on BodoArXiv]



“Eden Regained: William of Ockham and the Franciscan Return to Terrestrial Paradise,” Franciscan Studies 51: 63-89