Neoliberal universities love generating data about taught classes—once they’ve been completed. But asking systematically about students’ expectations and mindset coming into a specific class is uncommon. So, as campus life resumed after two turbulent years of teaching mostly from home, I decided to circulate a brief, individual and anonymous questionnaire at the first session of a class. Here’s what it taught me.
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Weg met die belachelijke cultuur van 'winnaars' en 'verliezers' die is ontstaan aan de universiteiten, vinden hoogleraren Guy Geltner en Thomas Vaessens.
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Despite a welcome increase in transparency and openness at the UvA/HvA, its stonewalling Supervisory Board (RvT) remains both a symptom of old-school politics and a cause for unrest well beyond Amsterdam. The situation at our institution exemplifies a problem common throughout the Dutch public sector: top management operates unconstrained by any meaningful form of democratic accountability, as crucial decision-making power is held by inaccessible political appointees drawn from entrenched elite business circles.
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